Europe, a home for all.

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

Acuerdo de la primera reunión en España. Agreements at 1st meeting (Spain).

Pinchando en este enlace podrás acceder a los acuerdos tomados en la primera reunión de nuestro proyecto celebrada en Rivas Vaciamadrid entre el 4 y el 7 de Noviembre.
Ilustración de Clara Luna Rodríguez
Clicking on this link you can access the agreements reached at the first meeting of our project held in Rivas Vaciamadrid between 4 and 7 November.

lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010

Algunas imágenes de la primera reunión. Some images from the first meeting.

En estas imágenes podemos ver algo de la decoración que engalanó el C.E.I.P. José Saramago para recibir a sus invitados y el desarrollo de una de las sesiones.

In these images we can see some of the decorations that adorned the C.E.I.P. José Saramago to welcome their guests and the development of one of the sessions.

viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

Artículo sobre la visita. Article about the visit.

Aquí tenemos el artículo publicado en la web municipal sobre la visita de los asistentes a la primera reunión al Ayuntamiento de Rivas Vaciamadrid.

Here is the article published on the municipal website on the visit by attending the first meeting of the Municipality of Rivas Vaciamadrid.

"Comenius has brought this morning to visit Rivas 22 teachers from Germany, Czech Republic, Norway, United Kingdom, Italy, France and Spain. It is funded by the European Community, which aims to strengthen the European dimension in the field of child education, primary and secondary. Three schools in Rivas: CEIP Saramago, CEIP Hans Christian Andersen and the IES Duque de Rivas have pointed to an initiative that aims to improve students' knowledge of their European environment, sharing experiences with children from other countries and to develop in them a sense of belonging to Europe.
In the welcoming ceremony featured the local mayor, José Masa, who spoke about the importance of education in the municipality, the project coordinator of CEIP José Saramago, and Jorge Romero Romea and Paco have the receipt accompanied the visitors to visit the Plaza Ecopolis.
In order to promote transnational cooperation between schools, these projects give the opportunity for students and teachers, at least three participating countries the opportunity to work together in one or more issues of common interest.
Comenius school projects must be integrated into the regular activities of the school and have maximum impact.
School partnerships between schools with a view to developing joint learning projects for students and teachers, training for teachers and other teachers to contribute to improving the quality of early childhood education, primary and secondary assistantships for future teachers of all subjects to better understand the European dimension into the teaching process, and preparatory visits for mobility in order to develop a school partnership are among the activities supported the development of this program of exchange and cooperation."


jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

La otra casita viajera. The other travel house.

Aquí está  nuestra otra casita viajera esperando a ser cargada con miles de ilusiones.

Here's our other traveling house waiting to be loaded with thousands of illusions.

lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

Primera Reunión. First Meeting.

Ya tenemos el cartel de convocatoria de nuestra primera reunión.

We already have the poster of call of ours first meeting

miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

Propuesta de logotipo. Logo proposal

El grupo de Alemania propone este logo para nuestro proyecto. ¿ Qué os parece ?.
The German team proposed this logo for our project. What do you think?

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

¿Ya tenemos casita viajera?. Do we have house?

Kerstin, del grupo de trabajo alemán, nos envía una foto de la casita viajera que circularía por los colegios participantes en el proyecto.

Kerstyn, from Germany team, send us a photo of the little traveler house. It will  visit our partners schools  in Comenius project.

viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2010


The aim of this Project is to investigate the different houses we live in, ways of living, architecture, whilst promoting the development of a better European attitude and awareness of cultural differences and citizenship. We consider that it is important to develop knowledge and understanding among children and teachers of the diversity of European cultures and language and its value. And although there are many differences in our countries, we have got many things in common like living under the same roof: Europe.
The more we know from each others, the more we respect and tolerate other cultures.
E-mail pals will also be established and regularly maintained between those students taking part. We pretend to encourage teachers to use digital technology and resources creatively.
Once the students have learnt about their types of houses and compared them with the ones in the partner countries, they will try to design their ideal house (like a sustainable house, a healthy home, using recycled materials,…). We pretend our pupils to improve their knowledge of their architecture in the present and in the past. Compare traditional and modern houses. Children will consider the importance of sustainable houses (eco-friendly) nowadays; being aware of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
In addition, through teachers exchanges staff will be able to explore and contrast classroom pedagogy within our schools, sharing experiences within the classroom and consider the challenges and opportunities provided by each partnership. As a result, their teaching methods will be improved.

Activities of the project 2010-2011

  •  Two travelling houses, symbolizing the work jointly, will realize a trip for eight countries of the associate centers.
  •  There will be created corners Comenius in the centers.
  •  The student body will investigate on the houses in which we live, different houses according to the climate and the geography, through comparison of houses in the city and in the field.
  •   There will be edited two newspapers Comenius that will be distributed by Internet.
  •  There will be an exchange of letters between the children of the different countries, creating pen pals.
  •  The student body will investigate how the houses have changed with the passage of time. Comparison of traditional and modern houses.
  •  Accomplishment of an artistic workshop with the children, using diverse technologies, on the exterior and the interior of the houses.
  • Exhibitions in all the centers where the artistic creations of the pupils appear.
  • Celebration of the Day of Europa (May 9).
  • Creation of a presentation power-point where the activities remain reflected carried out during the first year of the Project.